World Press Photo 2013

Названы победители престижной премии в области фотожурналистики World Press Photo 2013. В этом году участие приняли 5,666 фотографа, загрузив 103,481 фотографий.

Фотографию года получил Paul Hansen за фотографию из сектора Газа

© Paul Hansen, Sweden, Dagens Nyheter.  World Press Photo of the Year 2012. 20 November 2012, Gaza City, Palestinian Territories. Two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and her three-year-old brother Muhammad were killed when their house was destroyed by an Israeli missile strike. Their father, Fouad, was also killed and their mother was put in intensive care. Fouad’s brothers carry his children to the mosque for the burial ceremony as his body is carried behind on a stretcher.
© Paul Hansen, Sweden, Dagens Nyheter.
World Press Photo of the Year 2012. 20 November 2012, Gaza City, Palestinian Territories. Two-year-old Suhaib Hijazi and her three-year-old brother Muhammad were killed when their house was destroyed by an Israeli missile strike. Their father, Fouad, was also killed and their mother was put in intensive care. Fouad’s brothers carry his children to the mosque for the burial ceremony as his body is carried behind on a stretcher.

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